Tuesday, July 14, 2009


It looks like no place is actually safe from the world's treachery.
No matter how far you run, or how deep you hide, treachery will always follow you like how a dog follows the scent of meat.
Even though you think that you have finally found a safe sanctuary, treachery will still follow you, up till the point where it actually washes up on your doorstep.
No matter how safe you think you are, treachery will still find you.
In fact, treachery seems to be one of the things that make the world go round.
Treachery will still go on, no matter how much you try to stop it.
Treacherous crimes will still be committed, as long as a person has evil thoughts.


There's a little kid screaming "不要打我了!我叫你不要打我了!”
Why is he screaming like that everyday?
Every single day.
Something must be wrong.
But I can't possibly investigate, because I don't know where the sound is coming from.
It's so terribly saddening.
What if the poor child is being abused every night?
My heart breaks at the thought of that.
On the other hand, it might just be a tape recording being played every single night

The weather and heat is excruciating! I feel like I'm burning up inside.
I feel very thirsty every 6 seconds.
I'm drinking cold sour sop to help ease it.
Do you think that it'll help?
Do you think that anything'll even help this world??


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